Venture into the mystical realms of Westeros, where the quest for fantasy league supremacy mirrors the epic battles for thrones and power. As a Game of Thrones fan, infusing your fantasy team with elements from the iconic series can elevate your enjoyment and league prestige. In this post, discover a treasure trove of Game Of Thrones fantasy team names that capture the essence of power, intrigue, and drama from this legendary saga.
House Stark-Inspired Names
House Stark symbolizes honor, endurance, and the North itself. These team names pay homage to the cold resilience and noble heart of House Stark.
- Winterfell Wolves
- Direwolf Dynasty
- Eddard’s Honor
- Arya’s Assassins
- Kings in the North
- Jon Snowflakes
- Bran’s Ravens
- Northern Guardians
- Sansa’s Savages
- Stark Shadows
- Ironborn Intruders
- Winter’s Fury
- Wolfsbane Warriors
- Lyanna’s Legacy
- Stark Sentinels
- Grey Wind’s Howl
- Noble Northerners
- North Remembers
- Winter’s Wrath
- Stark Scions
- House Stark Sentinels
- White Walker Watchers
- Eddard’s Edicts
- Winterfell Wonders
- Robb’s Regiment
- Ghostly Guardians
- Honor of the North
- Old Gods’ Guardians
- Ned’s Noblemen
- Sansa’s Shields
- Stark Strikers
- Wolf Pack Warriors
- Ice and Fire Fighters
- King’s Road Conquerors
- Northern Nobles
- Snow’s Chosen
Iron Throne Aspirants
These team names are for those who dare to dream of sitting on the Iron Throne and ruling the Seven Kingdoms.
- Throne Takers
- King’s Landing Kings
- Iron Throne Invaders
- Royal Rulers
- Monarch’s Masters
- Westerosi Warriors
- Throne Seekers
- Kings and Queens
- Throne’s Heirs
- Iron Instigators
- Sovereign Soldiers
- Kingdom Conquerors
- Power Players
- Royal Raiders
- Throne Troopers
- Highborn Heroes
- Iron Throne Titans
- Royal Reclaimers
- Regicide Raiders
- Crowned Champions
- Regal Raiders
- Iron Heroes
- Kingsguard Elite
- Royal Rebellion
- Throne Challengers
- King’s Keepers
- Throne Bidders
- Noble Contenders
- Royal Vanguard
- Dynastic Dreamers
- Legendary Lords
- Kingdom’s Sentinels
- Regal Raiders
- Throne’s Thunder
- Westerosi Wonders
- Crown Conquerors
Dragon Riders United
Inspired by the fire and fury of dragons, these team names embody the fearsome might and mythic grandeur of these ancient creatures.
- Dragonborn
- Fire and Blood
- Draconic Dominators
- Drogon’s Fury
- Targaryen Flames
- Dragon’s Dream
- Rhaegal’s Rage
- Viserion’s Vengeance
- Dragon Lords
- Dragon’s Breath
- Fireborne Fighters
- Dracarys Destruction
- Egg’s Endgame
- Dragon Dynasty
- Burning Banners
- Dragon’s Roar
- Dragon Emperors
- Dragonflight Destiny
- Dragon’s Might
- Phoenix Fliers
- Scorching Sweepers
- Winged Warriors
- Mythic Masters
- Draconic Dreamers
- Scaled Sentinels
- Flame Fathomers
- Inferno Invokers
- Dragon Riders
- Dragonfire Demolishers
- Sky Serpents
- Flight of Fire
- Dragon’s Descent
- Burning Battlers
- Aegon’s Aces
- Wyrm’s Wrath
- Draconic Daredevils
Night’s Watch Legends
Inspired by those who protect the realms of men from the dangers beyond the Wall, these team names symbolize vigilance, sacrifice, and heroism.
- Wall Wardens
- Watchful Night
- Brotherhood of the Night
- Night’s Sentinels
- Wall Defenders
- Ghost’s Guardians
- Castle Black Crusaders
- Jon’s Dragons
- Oath Takers
- Night Vigilantes
- Shadow Brothers
- The Long Night
- Frostbit Fighters
- Wall Walkers
- Night’s Protectors
- Cold Conquerors
- Winter’s Wardens
- Night’s Watchers
- Wall Guardians
- Shield of the Wall
- Beyond the Wall Winners
- Night Prowlers
- Wall Warriors
- Foreboding Frost
- Dark Night Defenders
- Shadow’s Siege
- Vigilant Victors
- Night Watchmen
- Frozen Fighters
- Icy Invaders
- Castle Conquerors
- Frozen Shadows
- Wall’s Wrath
- Guardians of the North
- Stewards of Steel
- Night Guardians
Westeros Warriors
These team names pay tribute to the myriad warriors across Westeros who fight for honor, glory, and survival.
- Westeros Warriors
- Brienne’s Brigade
- Unsullied Uprising
- Sand Snake Slayers
- Dothraki Destroyers
- Ironborn Invaders
- Golden Company
- Stormlands Strikers
- Reach Riders
- Westerosi Wonders
- Mountain’s Might
- Sand Dune Serpents
- Dornish Duelists
- Eyrie Eagles
- Tarth Titans
- Riverland Riders
- Casterly Conquerors
- Westerosi Warlords
- Rosby Raiders
- Hill Tribe Heroes
- Reach Raiders
- Ironborn Impalers
- Light of the Seven
- Bear Island Berserkers
- Bolton’s Siege
- Dornish Duelists
- Blackwood Bows
- Westeros Watchers
- Westeros Warlords
- Blood of the First Men
- Knight’s Charge
- Battleborn Westeros
- Martell’s Might
- Tyrell Triumph
- Rivers and Lords
- Twin Terrors
Magic and Mythology
Names reflecting the magical and mythical aspects of Game of Thrones, from the Children of the Forest to Red Priests.
- Mystic Myr
- Shadowbinders
- Children of the Forest
- Bran’s Wargs
- Faceless Men
- Melisandre’s Mystics
- Magister’s Might
- Lore of Light
- Pyromancer Powers
- Magic of Qarth
- Valyrian Visions
- Mystical Mummers
- Enchanted Essos
- Prophet’s Prophecy
- Old Valyria
- Red Sorcery
- Green Dreams
- Azor Ahai Ascendants
- Magical Martyrs
- Elder Ash Lords
- Sacred Seven
- Eastern Enchanters
- Ironborn Runes
- Lightbringer’s Legion
- Dark Rituals
- Shadows of Asshai
- Fabled First Men
- Sons of Rh’llor
- Magic and Myth
- Warg Wonders
- Elvish Enchanters
- Perilous Portents
- Mage’s Might
- Arcane Ascendants
- Enchanted Endeavors
Political Players
Reflecting the cunning political maneuvers and devious plots in the Game of Thrones universe.
- King’s Hand Heroes
- Master Whisperers
- Cunning Conspirators
- Baelish’s Betrayers
- Tywin’s Tactics
- Cersei’s Strategies
- The Small Council
- Red Keep Riddlers
- Schemers and Dreamers
- Wily Watchers
- Royal Ruses
- Lordly Lies
- Tyrion’s Tacticians
- Sworn Schemers
- Deception Masters
- Intrigue Igniters
- Thorny Thrones
- Council’s Control
- Iron Mind Giants
- Peake Plotters
- Maester’s Meddlers
- Plotting Princes
- King’s Landing Ploys
- Secretive Sentinels
- Endgame Engineers
- Whispering Winds
- Master Minds
- Inquisition Elders
- Plotting Lords
- Unsweetened Serpents
- Hidden Halls
- Plot Proclaimers
- Game Masters
- Westerosi Web
- Political Predators
Royal Houses
Names inspired by the mighty and legendary houses of Westeros, each with its unique legacy.
- House Lannister Lions
- House Targaryen Flames
- House Baratheon Brothers
- House Tyrell Triumphs
- House Greyjoy Guardians
- House Arryn Aces
- House Martell Mystics
- House Stark Sentinels
- House Tully Titans
- House Hightower Heroes
- House Bolton Bullies
- House Mormont Marauders
- House Frey Fighters
- House Karstark Keepers
- House Dayne Dervishes
- House Harlaw Harbingers
- House Celtigar Champions
- House Seaworth Sables
- House Dustin Defenders
- House Hornwood Heroes
- House Manderly Mavericks
- House Royce Rotund
- House Swyft Swords
- House Blackwood Braves
- House Bracken Breakers
- House Connington Commanders
- House Crane Crusaders
- House Velaryon Victors
- House Umber Unifiers
- House Vypren Voyagers
- House Lothston Lords
- House Spicer Sparklers
- House Sarsfield Stormers
- House Staunton Soldiers
- House Ryswell Riders
Epic Battles & Feuds
Reflecting the historical and epic conflicts of the Game of Thrones universe.
- Battle of Blackwater
- Red Wedding Avengers
- Field of Fire Fantoms
- Battle of Ice and Fire
- Bannerless Brothers
- Harrenhal Heroes
- Rebellion of Lords
- Riverland Raiders
- Dance of Dragons
- Siege of Storm’s End
- Riverrun Remnants
- Drowned God’s Wrath
- Clash at Castle Black
- Blackwater Bravery
- War of the Five Kings
- Reznikov Rebels
- Tower of Joy
- Bloody Bastards
- All Men Must Battle
- Stony Sept Strikers
- Battle’s Blades
- Sea Dragon Clash
- Broken Bannermen
- Pyke Pillagers
- First Men Fighters
- Field of Fire Flames
- Bringer of Blackwater
- Warrior’s Woes
- Siege on the Wall
- Warriors of Winterfell
- Night’s Whisperers
- Adventurous Anguish
- Chaos is a Ladder
- Battle cries Echo
- Warriors from Ash
- Dawn’s Deliverance
Legendary Creatures
Drawing on the various mythical and fearsome creatures in the world of Westeros and beyond.
- Direwolf Demons
- Shadow Cats
- Fire-Breathing Drakes
- Kraken Kin
- Phoenix Phantasms
- Ice Spiders
- Wyvern Warriors
- Thunder Birds
- Griffon Guard
- Winged Wonders
- Serpent Sentinels
- Dragon Descendants
- Fearsome Beasts
- Mythic Mammoths
- Zulfar’s Zealots
- Leviathan Legends
- Moondancer Mystics
- Mythic Myrmidons
- Titan’s Terror
- Cyclopean Crows
- Basilisk Brood
- Hippogriff Heralds
- Monstrous Myths
- Fearsome Felhounds
- Shadowfang Strikes
- Spectral Stalkers
- Manticores March
- Behemoth Braves
- Chimera Champions
- Leviathans Lament
- Wyvern Whispers
- Undying Ursa
- Goliath Guards
- Juggernaut Jesters
- Eldritch Eternals
Prophecies and Visions
These names are inspired by the prophecies and visions that weave through the narrative of Game of Thrones.
- Azor Ahai Arisen
- Dragon Dreams
- Visions of the Void
- The Last Hero Legion
- Prophecy Fulfilled
- Flamed Harbingers
- Maiden’s Mystics
- Visions of Varys
- Prophetic Pioneers
- Blood of the Dragon
- Forgotten Foretellers
- Quarter’s Quotation
- Chains of Clairvoyants
- The Last Azor Ahai
- Dreamers of Westeros
- Children of the Wild Fire
- Wyrm-fated Warriors
- Orcale’s Order
- Manticore Mesmerizers
- Dragonborn Destiny
- Harper’s Hallowed
- Moon-singers
- Nostradamus Knights
- Undying’s Underlings
- Seer’s Soldiers
- Forsworn Foresight
- Cerulean Crystals
- Faceless Fateweavers
- Prophetic Pathfinders
- Flame-born Fortunes
- Starry-eyed Seekers
- Eversight Emissaries
- Clairvoyant Champions
- Sorcerous Seers
- Magical Manifests
- Twilight Tellers
Band of Heroes
Inspired by the numerous heroic characters and their daring deeds. These names represent the valor and courage shown by heroes in the series.
- Arya’s Avengers
- Jon’s Journey
- Brienne’s Vicarious
- Sandor’s Soldiers
- Tyrion’s Tribe
- Jaime’s Justice
- Bera’s Battalion
- Ygritte’s Yeomen
- Jorah’s Journeymen
- Gendry’s Go-getters
- Podrick’s Protectors
- Greyworm’s Grim
- Heroic Hunters
- Daenerys’ Defenders
- Bran’s Brigade
- Hodor’s Heroes
- Dragonborn Defenders
- Jaqen’s Jesters
- Westerland Warriors
- Battleborn Brotherhood
- The Lone Wolf
- Melisandre’s Miracles
- Cohoris Commanders
- Meera’s Martyrs
- Bravin Broadswords
- Golden Garrison
- Heroic Hordes
- The Free Folk
- Mirror’s Messengers
- King’s Bannermen
- Mormont’s Marauders
- Seastone’s Saviors
- Dragonstone Defenders
- Arborace’s Acumen
- Honest Hordes
- Legendary Loyalists
Villains and Antagonists
Names inspired by the notorious villains and dark-hearted antagonists who thrive in the gloomy shades of the Game of Thrones world.
- Cersei’s Game
- Joffrey’s Judgment
- Ramsay’s Wrath
- Night King’s Napalm
- Tywin’s Tyrants
- Euron’s Executioners
- Melisandre’s Minions
- Vengeance of Vicarious
- Walder’s Wrath
- Red Woman’s Wrath
- King slayers in Ink
- Mad King’s Haze
- Maegor’s Malice
- Rhaegar’s Revenge
- Jaqen’s Juggernaut
- Poisoner’s Pot
- Petyr’s Puppets
- Bolton’s Siege
- Frey’s Ferocity
- Lancelot’s Lugs
- Blood Alchemist
- Qyburn’s Quarter
- Blackfyre’s Betrayers
- Shade soldiers
- Night king’s Knights
- Baratheon Butchers
- Brutus’ Bangers
- Reek’s Revenge
- Ice-wraith’s ire
- Golden Lions
- Martell’s Mutiny
- The Faith Militant
- Greyjoy’s Greaves
- Twisted Tyrants
- Wicked Wolves
- Vindictive Villains
Mysteries and Intrigues
Names inspired by the mysteries and intriguing secrets that add layers of depth to the Game of Thrones world.
- Shadowy Secrets
- Hidden Harbingers
- The Spider’s Web
- Cloak and Dagger
- Mystical Mazes
- Faceless Forgotten
- Crypt Keepers
- Whispers of Winter
- Dark Alley Denizens
- Maze Masters
- Enigmatic Endgame
- Hidden Haunts
- Shrouded Schemes
- Hidden Hints
- Labyrinth Legends
- Forsaken Fathoms
- Puzzling Paragons
- Quizzical Queens
- The Whispering Woods
- Cloaked Conundrum
- Cryptic Cravings
- Forgotten Faces
- Undercover Allies
- Masked Marauders
- Sorcerer’s Shadow
- Darkened Depths
- Rings of Secrets
- Faded Legends
- Obfuscated Orders
- Undisclosed Desires
- Segregated Mystics
- Concealed Champions
- Stealth Seekers
- Arcane Anomalies
- Mysterious Mystics
- Veiled Victors
Wrap Up
A Game of Thrones-inspired fantasy team name offers both a nod to an epic series and a showcase of your creative prowess within your fantasy league. Let your team name reflect the grandiose tales of battle and strategy, as you channel the spirit of Westeros into your own quest for victory. We hope you find these suggestions to be thrilling as you forge your path to a legendary fantasy season. May your reign be long and victorious!
Mark Blake is the innovative mind behind, the go-to source for creative and unique sports team names. With a passion for sports and a knack for catchy names, Mark has helped thousands of teams find the perfect identity. Whether you're forming a new club or rebranding an existing one, Mark's expertise ensures you'll stand out. When not brainstorming names, Mark enjoys playing soccer and exploring new sports. Discover the ideal name for your team at